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Breez Young Consultants workshop May 2009

Breeze Young Consultants workshop May 2009

Developing the BreezeLeeds website to build on its monthly average of 38,000 hits has been a key focus for the Leeds FYT pathfinder. Over the past six months Rosie Wilks (Breeze Development and Communications Officer) and other members of the Breeze team have been working with a group of young people to help refresh the Breeze brand and develop the Breeze website. The young people taking part have been more than happy to feedback on what they liked and didn’t like and how they thought Breeze should look and feel. Their thoughts and opinions have been taken on board and applied to the new look BreezeLeeds website due to be launched in the next few weeks.
The main emphasis of the Young Consultants has been around raising awareness of the Breeze Youth Promise – Leeds’ promise to give young people: something to do; somewhere to go; someone to talk to; and introducing the new element, something to say.
The group have led on ideas for the Youth Promise campaign and have re-made the original short film on Breeze Youth Promise adding the new ‘something to say’ element. This was a really exciting process for both age groups (young and old) and filming took place during February half term. The completed film can now be viewed at

The Young Consultants will continue to meet every six weeks to organise other promotional activity which will include running awareness workshops during the Breeze International Youth Festival and Breeze on Tour, and creating school assembly and lesson plans. The latest interesting idea is to give pants (yes, as in underwear) away as a promotional item during the summer…!

Anyone wanting to find out more about the Young Consultants group should contact

What was FYT?

Find Your Talent was a national programme to explore new ways of opening up cultural and creative opportunities to young people. Leeds was one of the ten FYT Pathfinders in England.

The programme was led by Leeds City Council and Education Leeds, working closely together and with the city's cultural and community sectors to find ways for more young people to participate in the cultural life of the city.

FYT was funded to operate between 2008-2011 but its legacy in Leeds continues through activities under the Breeze banner, as well as other initiatives.